· By Julia Boase

Fruit Tingle Smoothie

Do your kids love watermelon? Mine do, and whilst we are lucky that here in Australia we can access watermelon all year round, once it's past its peak season of summer, it tends to lack a little in the taste and texture department. Over Autumn and Winter I don't buy it as much for the lunch boxes as my kids tend to complain that it doesn't taste good. What it is good for though, is a smoothie. 
Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and Beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A). It's also extremely high in lycopene (which gives watermelon it's beautiful colour) and is known to be protective against some types of cancer (colon, prostate) and important for heart health. 
I love including raspberries in my smoothies (and in my diet in general). They are such a rich (and surprising) source of fibre at around 8g per cup. That's more than 40% of a 4-8 yr old's average fibre needs. Like watermelon they are also rich I vitamin C and other antioxidants.   
Enjoy this fruit tingle smoothie and get a boost in antioxidants and fibre while you're at it.

Julia  (p.s. I'd love to hear if you try this smoothie - remember to tag me on instagram @nudie_rudie_lunchbox)

Fruit Tingle Smoothie

1 cup diced watermelon

1 cup frozen raspberries

1/2 cup unsweetened greek yoghurt

2 tsp chia seeds

ice (if you're not using frozen fruit)

300ml no added sugar tropical juice

300ml water

Makes 3 small child sized smoothies. 

All all ingredients to a high speed blender and blitz until smooth. We have decorated these smoothies with puffed quinoa, toasted coconut flakes and watermelon. Fruit 


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